Over 1200+ technical analysis reports for customers in the pharmaceutical industry and 1300+ technical analysis reports for customers in electronics, chemical, and life science industries annually.

Founded in 2007 with a 50 million Rmb investment, Cobetter Filtration Validation Center has been accredited by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS). Our Validation Center Team includes 10 international experts and 30 lab technicians. We provide over 1,200 technical validation reports annually to customers in the pharmaceutical industry and 1,300 technical validation reports anually to customer in the eletronics, chemical ,and life sciences (excluding pharmaceutical ) industry.

Our Service

Life Sciences

With our technical experience and deep usderstanding of the sterilization process, our Validation Center can provide validation services to global customers in Life Sciences Industres so that they comply with GMP standards tegarding Data Integrity.

Validation Services include Bacterial Challenge Test (BCT), Extractable Test, Chemical Compatibility, Integriy Test, and Adsorption Test.

By following both PDF TR26 and ASTM F838 standards, Cobertter Validation Center providers her customers with customized filtration solutions and technical support.

Fine Chemical

With our technical experience and deep usderstanding of the sterilization process, our Validation Center can provide validation services to global customers in Life Sciences Industres so that they comply with GMP standards tegarding Data Integrity.

Validation Services include Bacterial Challenge Test (BCT), Extractable Test, Chemical Compatibility, Integriy Test, and Adsorption Test.

By following both PDF TR26 and ASTM F838 standards, Cobertter Validation Center providers her customers with customized filtration solutions and technical support.