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TefloGas Filter Cartridges For Beer

Hydrophobic PTFE Membrane · Sterilizing Grade

Cobetter TefloGas® Filter Cartridges constructed of hydrophobic PTFE membranes and specially designed for the removal of microorganisms and particles from air and gases.  Due to their inherently hydrophobic nature, these filters offer the highest level of sterility even with high volume gas streams, extreme humidity, and stringent in-line stream sterilizations.

Features and Benefits

·  Inherently hydrophobic
·  High flow rates with low pressure drops
·  Steam sterilization up to 150 cycles @ 121°C
·  Integrity Tested by all methods including Water Intrusion Test
·  Absolute-rated filter

Material of Construction 

Filter MediumHydrophobic PTFE
Support LayerPolypropylene
Cage / End Caps                            
CorePolypropylene / 304 stainless steel
Internal Adaptor
Reinforcing Ring
PBT (Polybutylene Terephthalate)
/304 Stainless Steel

Operating Conditions

Max. Differential Pressure        72.5psi(5bar)/21°C
Steaming Sterilize121°C /30min up to 150 cycles
Max. Operating Temperature80°C

Integrity Testing
All cartridges are integrity tested using VALAIR DATA II.  Diffusion Flow <16ml/min @ 0.8bar (11.6psi); Water Intrusion <1.35ml/min.
Values are for cartridges wetted with 60/40 IPA/Water 

Steam Sterilization 
71-GPF Cartridges can be repeatedly in-line steam sterilized for up to 150 cycles @ 121°C for 30 min at a maximum differential pressures of 0.5bar.

71-GPF cartridges have been fully validated as sterilizing grade filter cartridges, for compressed air and gas applications. It passed the DOP testwith DH Valairdata II.

Food and Biological Safety

Extractables<30mg per 10 inch
Endotoxins< 0.25EU/mL

Meets the requirements for food contact:  European Regulation (EC) Number 1935/2004

Flow Rate Charateristics


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