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Soft Drinks Filtration Solutions

The key function of filtration in soft drink production is to remove particulates or suspended solids and microbial contaminants to achieve product quality, clarity and flavor stability.

Through our Advanced Validation Center, Cobetter provides the following analytical services i: 

Particle Efficiency Analysis, Filter Contaminants Analysis, Extractable Test and other tests to meet the require-ment of soft drinks production process.

Clarification Filters

BevClear® HFB

CSD Series

HPP Series

RMF Series

Syrup Filtration

PSSF Series

SSWN Series

PSSC Series

CSSC Series

BevClear® XL

Final Filters

BevClear® AB

RMF Series

Vent Filtration


APTF Series


Filter before Bottling

PSSF Series

Sterile Filter for Water


APSB Series